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  • Saskatchewan - Winter/Spring 2024 Area School Schedule

    Saskatchewan - Area School Schedule
    Winter/Spring 2024

    To Register: @email

    Please check our website for the most up-to-date course schedule.


    Course Offered



    March 18


    Registration Deadline: February 26

    Getting to Know Your Union (AUNION1)


    March 19-21

    Course is Full.

    Registration Deadline: February 27

    Grievance Handling & Workplace Leadership (AGHWL3)


    April 8


    Registration Deadline: March 18

    Bullying in the Workplace: An Occupational Hazard (ABWP1)


    April 9-11


    Registration Deadline: March 19

    Health & Safety: Beyond the Basics (AHS3)


    May 14-16


    Registration Deadline: April 23

    Collective Bargaining (ACB3)


    June 4-6


    Registration Deadline: May 14

    Grievance Handling & Workplace Leadership (AGHWL3)



    March 12-14


    Registration Deadline: February 20

    Local Executive Board Training (ALUEB3)


    April 23-25


    Registration Deadline: April 2

    Grievance Handling & Workplace Leadership (AGHWL3)


    May 27


    Registration Deadline: May 6

    Bullying in the Workplace: An Occupational Hazard (ABWP1)


    May 28-30


    Registration Deadline: May 7

    Health & Safety: Beyond the Basics (AHS3)


    Course Times: 

    All courses commence at 8:30 am and end at 4:30 pm unless otherwise noted at the beginning of the course. Participants must attend all days of the course. 

    50/50 Reimbursement Guidelines for Area Schools: 

    Locals, please read the 2024 Reimbursement Guidelines for Area Schools which can be found on our website: 

    Before you register a member, please read through the guidelines to make sure that you know what will be reimbursed by uedbet新版官网 Education and what will not be. 


    To register a member for a course, send an email to @email (Subject Line: Course Name, Course Date, Course Location) with the following information (members cannot be registered if partial information is provided): 

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Email (Individual and unique email mandatory for each member)

    • Local Number

    • City

    • Province

    • Mobile Phone

    3 weeks prior to the scheduled course date, the local and the enrolled member/s will receive a confirmation email. This email will confirm the course location, and will include any other information they may need. 

    We require a minimum of 15 participants to run a course.  In order to maintain a manageable class size, once 24 participants have registered for a course, we will consider it full. The education website will be updated often to reflect any schedule changes.


    Cancellations can occur if we do not have sufficient participants. Locals and registered participants will be contacted 3 weeks in advance of the course date. 

    NOTE: This schedule is subject to change.  Please check our website for the most up to date information and course descriptions at